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Taski (W.I.P) Aff


 Taski (W.I.P)

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Taski (W.I.P) Empty
PostSubject: Taski (W.I.P)   Taski (W.I.P) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 1:49 am

Basic Information

Name: Taski Hayashi

Age: 325

Gender: Male

Rank: Espada

Number: 4

Looks: (Describe your looks or an image will do)

Hollow Hole: On his stomach.

Mask Fragment: The remaining fragments of his mask is located around his face.

Number Tattoo: On the right side of his neck

Personality: Taski has a rather unusual personality, but i guess it matches his looks though. Anyways, Taski is a cocky self centered espada who think he is the most powerful out of any other Espada. Though he is number 4 but he acts like he is number 1, the reason for this is that Taski died by envy, if he gets jealous of anyone he will most likely try to kill that person . Taski is different from the other Espadas is because of the way he talks, instead of taking battles seriously he would laugh and just randomly smashes his sword for the fun of it.Taski might not be the brightest espada, but he is the most annoying one.

Even though Taski was forced to kill off alot of Hollows on his days he would always enjoy them, if he was forced to kill his fraction they would have been dead in a hear beat. Though Taski does enjoy the color of blood dripping from his skin, he loves the rush he gets when he fights against a stronger opponent. Stopping him from a battle he is enjoying would cause alot of conflict.Taski is a pretty disgusting Espada, what he think he does has to be right. Basically, if Taski kills a person it has to be the right choice because it was his decision. Taski tries to play out God, he thinks that if he does his life would be a hella lot easier, people would fear him or envy him. Taski isn’t really a good leader in my own opinion, but Taski think that he is the only fit to be a leader. When Taski was still a adjuchas he had alot of doubts about Aizen, he had alot of rage towards Aizen.

(Depending on your rank, please distribute the amount of stats that you receive within the four options)





Weapon Information

Weapon Name: Kyoko

Weapon Looks: Taski (W.I.P) HW2359-praying-mantis-katana

Weapon Description: (A basic description of your Weapon's abilities)

Resurrecion Release Phrase: (what you say when you release your weapon and enter your release form)

Resurrecion Information

Name: (The name of your Resurrecion)

Represent: (When you release your resurrection what animal or insect it represents)

Family: (Choose one from fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, metal, shadow/dark, light/holy, ice/snow, nature, gravity, poison)

Looks: (What your character looks like in release state.)


Name: Garganta
State: Both
Description: This is how arrancar move to and from Hueco Mundo. Kaname Tosen and Kisuke Urahara have also demonstrated the ability to use the technique. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.

Name: Hierro
State: Both
Description: This refers to the hardened skin of the Arrancar, which is a result of their compressed spiritual power. While their skin is strong enough to block even released Zanpakuto bare-handed, it is by no means impenetrable. Stronger Arrancar have proportionally stronger skin.

Name: Pesquisa
State: Both
Description: This is the arrancar equivalent of the Shinigami ability to sense Spiritual Pressure. It functions similar to a sonar. Using pesquisa requires most Espada to enter a meditative state or use some others have a trigger unique to the user.

Name: Sonido
State: Both
Description: A very quick movement performed by Arranacar that allows them to move at high speeds for brief periods of time.

Name: (Name of your tech)
State: (Normal, Ressurrecion, or both)
Description: (What your tech is, and what it does)

History and RP Sample


Human > Hollow: Taski was born in a City known as Karakura town, his intentions were simple, he would ship off his goods too another person, he would then harvest the gold and buy himself a house. Taski was a very rich and successful man, he was very famous around Karakura in the past. One day Taski met his only brother, he had met his brother’s fiancé also. Taski thought that she was the most adorable girl on earth. Even though she was already committed Taski asked her to marry him.
That woman he has proposed too was those kinds of girls, the one that could be bought and not loved. Taski bought that woman’s love as his brother hated him for what he did. Taski wasn’t better then his brother, when they were growing up his brother would be the “athletic one” or “The most loved.” Or even have the most friend. That set off Taski but now he has a better wife then him. The day before the wedding he was murdered, waiting for his wife to walk down the aisle a knife was whipped hitting him on the face.
The life on earth was tough; he would see people messing with his grave. He was labelled as a insane monster who had all this money. People had hatred against him; his own brother would bring gangs to trash his grave. There was never anyone there who would put back his grave; it is a really disappointing thing to see. Taski would be sitting on what use to be a tomb stone. It was disappointing how his only brother sold him out. The fact that he died because of what happened as a Human, but as a man who has the same blood as him, that is just really disgusting. Taski felt so betrayed and envious he ripped out his chain which led him to his spiritual death.

Hollow > Gillian: Taski was a hollow, a really ugly thing. He had no love or care for anyone, he doesn’t give a damn what they did to his grave now, he now has no words of wisdom. Taski doesn’t want to fight back the hollow inside, he just let what is inside him consume him. Taski travelled first to his brother’s house. Taski choked his only brother using nothing but 2 of his fingers. That unworthy being has no place in this world. Taski then consumed his only brother’s corpse as he got even more pissed off. He smashed his fist into the house of his ex-fiancé; he then threw her off her own bed and also ate her. Taski couldn’t handle all the spiritual power that he was getting. He then transformed into a Menos, one which shriek’s sound like a young boy scratching a chalk board. It was rather annoying.

Gillian > Adjuchas: Taski started to go mad, he looked as other meno’s fed on their friends and lower hollows. Taski had no choice to do the same, he was not going to die like this. Taski eventually fed on alot of Menos. Taski was overwhelmed by all the Menos he had just consumed, they all built up as Taski did a grave shriek his skin started to glow black and red. You can even see the reiatsu leaving his body. That was the day when he has transformed into a Adjuchas. Taski looked like a small skinny green bug thing with a long tail.

Adjuchas > Vasto Lorde/Arrancar: Taski would run and hunt down anyone he would see, if it was a hollow a Shinigami a Arrancar or even a Menos. Taski consumed them, though they didn’t come easy. Sometimes those hollows would give Taski a really hard time. Taski served under no one, he was asked to join a few gangs numerous of times. All of them were denied, Taski had no passion fighting with a team, he was a lone wolf. Taski consumed a whole entire gang once, the poor fools didn’t know what they were up against.

Taski was hated throughout Hueco Mundo, Taski would eat people for teh sake of it. For a reason he couldn’t transform. Taski needed much more hollows to consume, well until a rather interesting hollow appeared infront of his eyes. His very own brother, bigger and stronger then himself, even though Taski was in the game for much longer, but somehow his brother cheated the system. Taski had no intentions of letting his own brother going free so the fought to the death. After that feast Taski transformed to a Arrancar.

Arrancar > Espada: Taski has changed his form, he had alot of envy towards the Espada. He hated how they were stronger than him and how they are more superior. Taski listened to none of them, if they wanted him they would have to man up and fight him. Thats what the former number 4 did, the battle was huge. Hollows from different parts of Hueco Mundo came to see Taski’s death. Taski had no intentions on losing but this battle might have been to much for him. Taski was irritating the Espada, he caused the Espada alot of confusion during the fight. Though it was worth it when Taski ripped off the arm of the forth Espada causing him to be kicked out the group.

RP Sample: Taski was walking through the desert, his feet touching the sandy rough ground. Taski then noticed another Arrancar. The Arrancar pointed at Taski and drew his sword and flew towards Taski. The smartest thing to do was to fight back, so Taski simply Sonido 1 meter too the left and stuck out his right arm horizontally. *Crash* The Arrancar’s face collided with Taski’s arm. “What the hell you dike.” Said the Arrancar(He will be called Sato). Taski smirked as he said,“Blow me.” Taski then punched the Arrancar causing a crater to form under the Arrancar.

Taski smirked as he then stood up straight fixing his posture. “Dumb weakling.” said Taski as he started to walk away. “What did you say bit*h...” said Sato as he slowly stood up and dusting himself off. Taski smirked as he Sonido behind Sato “I called you a bitc*” said Taski as he cupped his hands together and he brought his hands vertically in a very fast pace. “Oh no you don’t.” Said Sato as he grabbed Taski’s hands as he whipped Taski onto the ground forming a even deeper crater, “Now its time for me to kill yo-” said the man as Taski kicked Sato’s arm causing him to slip and fall as Taski pushed his arm up vertically colliding with the man’s Chin. “You have to do better than that...” said Taski.

Sato landed on the ground as he got up, Sato held out his palm as he grabbed his sword. “Arena, Tsuname” *Sand storm: Ability to manipulate sand.* Taski then looked at the man as he started to manipulate the sand on the ground. “Fuc*...” said Taski as he Sonido’d in the Sky. The sand flew towards Taski with a break neck pace. “Damn it.” Said Taski as the sand kept going, Taski stuck out his hands as he started to shoot out green balas at the sand. The sand would just consume his balas and continue flying at Taski. The sand has finally caught up to Taski as it looked like it consumed Taski. Even though Taski looked like he was going down but not in this life time. Taski then pulled out his Zanpaktou as he pointed forward, while keeping himself in a defensive position. “La..M..” said Taski pausing randomly. It seemed like Taski was going to release his resurrection, but he wasn’t. Taski then noticed a big opening from the arrancar. “It’s over...” stated

Taski as he used Sonido again and appeared infront of the enemy, Taski smirked as he gave a slash going downwards diagonally. “Your sand was not match fo-” said Taski as he felt a huge amount of Reiatsu. Taski then slowly looked back as he seen a man. He wasn’t tall he was probably the same size as Taski. “You...” said Taski in a very unwelcoming tone of voice.The new male who joined the battle stuck out his hands as he positioned his fingers and revealed his palm. “Blade, 4th Espada..,” said Taski as the wind blew and revealed the number 4 on his breast. “Blade...Master, forgive me...” said Sato as he faded to nothing but ashes. The espada then charged up a Cero as it was blasted. Taski sonido’d but his whole arm was burned to nothingness. “Heh..Looks like you are not the talker..” said Taski as he grabbed his shoulder and smirked. The Espada then Sonido’d behind Taski as the Espada then squeezed his fingers together. Taski then looked back as a squish sound was heard. Taski looked forward and down to see a arm coming out of his chest.

Taski fell off from the sky as he hit the ground. Taski started to breath heavily not knowing if he lived or died. Taski then gripped his Zanpaktou. “Stupid Espada...” said Taski as the hole that went though his breast started to close up. “I AM GOING TO KILL YOU ESPADA...” said Task as he picked up his Zanpaktou with the only arm he had left, he then slashed the Espada horizontally but was blocked by the Espada’s very own Zanpaktou. “Crawl over and die already..” said The espada as he pointed both of his fingers towards Taski’s forehead. “Blow me...Piece of shit...” said Taski as he put some pressure onto his sword pushing the Espada back as he spun in a 180 and slashed vertically.
Taski soon seen blood dripping as a arm has just fell from on top of him. Taski then kicked backwards pushing the Espada away and he then did a backflip with his only arm to get away from the Espada. “Looks like we are on even fighting grounds.” Said Taski as he smirked abit. “We will never be even, you and I are 2 different beings with different scales of powers...” said The Espada. “Don’t under estimate me bitch...” said Taski in a loud tone of voice. He then rushed towards the Espada as he stabbed the Espada right in the chest. The Espada’s body fell hopelessly as he blood was all over Taski’s face. “Looks like you were not match for me..,” said Taski as he slowly pushed his Zanpaktou abit letting the corpse fall from the sky.

“Not even close...” said A voice coming out of nowhere. Taski looked at the dead body that was just tossed disappeared, “You are no match for me...” said Blade as he was standing behind Taski, “Now..Be gone of you.” Said The Espada as Taski heard as the sound of blood splat. This time you should stay dead... Those were the mouth coming out of someone’s voice. It wasn’t Taski’s neither the other Espada. A man standing at a higher ground looking down at Blade. “How’s it going Blade...” said The newest Espada as Blade’s body fell out of the sky. “Now its time for me to finish you off..” said The newest Espada as he shot a cero burning the Body of Blade.
The Espada looked around as he seen a bunch of hollow’s watching, “What the fuck you looking at...” as he gave 5 slashes towards the air. Taski first though that the man was crazy, but when he looked back the Hollows were all cut in half. Taski then jumped back as he looked at the left side of his body. Taski then forced a new arm to come out of his body as he looked at the new Espada. “The story is you killed off the Espada...” said the Espada as he sheathed his sword again and looked at Taski. Taski had not choice but to nod and followed the Espada.
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