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 General Rules

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B.R. Admin

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PostSubject: General Rules   General Rules I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 20, 2010 8:51 pm

Please note these rules are here for everyone to read therefore no rule listed here should be broken under any circumstances.

  • Treat other members the way you would like to be treated, with respect. Getting more into detail with this, Please don't start unnecessary arguments with people that could result into something huge. If you have a specific problem with another member come to one of us Admin's and we will deal with it. It's un enjoyable for the other members to see a much of senseless bickering.

  • Please do NOT bug staff about checking your application and or Kido. We do have lives and we know when things are needed to be done, so Please don't bother us. I know personally that I hate to come on and see around 20 PM's asking me to check things, It's plainly and simply just annoying. If your stuff hasn't been checked within 48 hours you may PM 1 Moderator. Please do not PM more than one. If that Moderator hasn't replied back to you or checked it within 48 hours please PM an Administrator and one of us will do it. In the Message please state which Moderator you first PM'd. That way we can check your stuff and we can rule out the Moderators that aren't doing anything.

  • Respect all staff members decisions. If you don't agree with something a Moderator has to say and it is something of great importance then PM an Administrator. For the most part, what staff says goes no matter how illogical their opinion is. Absolutely NO ARGUING WITH THEM. You'll be warned once for arguing, The second time you'll get another warning and after that you won't like what will happen to you.

  • Please, NO ONE LINE POSTS. I don't want to see any of that stuff and we take it very seriously, if you do it once you'll get a warning. Anything over one time disciplinary action will be taken and needless to say it probably won't be too great for you. We have 200 word post minimum here,We do not always go by this rule, as sometimes or often we will let it slide, however that being said, very very small posted are still frowned upon.

  • No Hollows/Vizards/Arrancers may attack the Soul Society without permission from an Administrator and no Shinigami may attack Hueco Mundo without permission. This rule is taken seriously; please don't break it.

  • Death Matches can be done at all times. Here is a tip for you if you don't agree with this. If you don't want to die, DON'T JOIN A TOPIC WITH SOMEONE THAT WANTS TO KILL YOU. If you don't want certain people to join, Post who you do want in the topic in the title and then put only.

    Ex. A Day of Fun -[Sean Only]-

    Even if you don't care who join's but you still don't want fighting, you can put that in the title as well and that will work.

    Ex. A Day of Fun -[Open, No Killing]-

    If stuff like this isn't added to the title, it's an open ball game. Us staff won't listen to your whining, so you should probably take this seriously.

  • Please if you're not a member of Staff do not post on application's or Kido. Anything else that a Moderator would approve. Please, Don't do this. We pick staff members for a reason and if you weren't picked as one that mean's we either don't need you or we don't think that you're capable of doing a good job as a member of our staff. Either way, it isn't your place therefore don't do it. If you absolutely need to tell them what they've done wrong, PM them about it and it can be their choice whether or not they want to listen to you or wait for a Moderator or Admin to look it over. Disciplinary actions will vary depending on the seriousness of the infraction.

  • Spam out of the Spam area will not be tolerated. We want this forum to be as clean and organized as humanly possible therefore we don't want ANYONE to spam. If you do spam out side of the spam area you will probably only get one warning and after that we will take action, We don't want to have to ban people but trust me if we think you're going to downsize the forum we can and will IP ban you and you'll be gone for good. Just please keep this rule in mind before you make unnecessary posts.

  • Until informed otherwise, you may have one character and one account only. People having more then one character can sometimes make things disorganized and our site doesn't have a lot of strength currently to be dealing with that. As time goes on we may and most likely will void this rule, for now don't do it. As far as other accounts go, Please don't. We are going to catch you and you're going to get banned. If you have a brother or sister or any other person that needs to make an account on your IP address then PM an Administrator first. Otherwise, you'll be banned.

  • Please don't double post, Meaning don't go posting in a topic and then 10 minutes later when it doesn't have any replies from anyone go post in it again. If you need to change something around that's what the edit button is there for, otherwise just leave it alone and wait. We don't want to see people making the site unorganized, which Double posting is something that will have that effect, Therefore don't do it. We also frown upon more than one topic running at the same time. if you have two characters good for you but don't have each of them in two topics as this gets very confusing very fast.

  • Please, no plagiarism. We don't want to have to ban people because of this but we will. That is taken very seriously and we have one question for you before you would do it, How would you feel? It isn't a good feeling having someone take your things and claim them as their own, getting all credit for it. No one would enjoy that, So please refrain from doing it because we will ban you if we find out.

  • Foul Language won't be Tolerated. This rule is somewhat self-explanatory.

  • No Metagaming.
    Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed rule set, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. In other words, sometimes using out-of-game information, or resources, to affect one's in-game decisions.

  • No Godmoding.
    Godmoding (sometimes incorrectly spelled as "godmodding") is a term used in message board based role-playing games to describe two behaviors of players. The term comes from the "god mode" found in many video games, allowing a player to activate features such as invincibility, unlimited ammunition or lives, or similar power boosts. Godmoding is almost always frowned upon by other members of the game, because it is regarded as a form of cheating against the game's tacit rules. In role play, it is acting if you can't be hit or your hit's always land.

  • This should be about, a PG-13 rated forum. Let's try and keep it that way. NO ADULT CONTENT WHATSOEVER.

  • No Canon characters, Think of this as a different dimension in which people have the same power, and the earth is the same, but the other people were never born from the original show.

  • Do not post in the role playing area until your application is approved.

  • If an admin asks you to stop talking about something or stop using smilies you need to stop. this is unconditional. if you are having at home problems it's all well and good but please don't take it out on us. if you are having a bad day it's all well and good but keep it to yourself.

  • All site personnel have a total of 2 days in the chat box when they first join. If your application is not started, or if it is not finished within those 2 days, you will be banned from the chat box until it is done.

  • Do NOT double post in your application (ie. bumping) every hour, etc. If you have bumped your application twice, once a day. If the third day occurs, and your application still has not been looked at, PM either an administrator. We will take action once we receive that PM.

  • Do NOT PM the administrators or moderators to look over your application. We will get to it in due time. Refer to the above bullet for more information.
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