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Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant. Aff


 Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant.

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Hasegawa Tsubaki

Hasegawa Tsubaki

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Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant. Empty
PostSubject: Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant.   Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant. I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 04, 2010 12:55 am

Name: Hasegawa Tsubaki

Age: She was about 18 when she died, so she holds the looks for that age. But in Shinigami age she is about 150 years old.

Gender: Female

Division: 2

Seat: Lieutenant

Looks: Hasegawa reaches about 165 cm in the air, while carrying her lithe body with grace and often appears even taller because of her confident attitude. Lowering her head is not something she usually does, unless around those that are her superiors. She weighs around 40 kg, but has every strength that a lieutenant would need as she practices hard ever day. Her curves don't give anyone after, and she can proudly call herself a very attractive female. Some might though call the young looking lieutenant a somewhat of a tomboy, as she usually never wears too girly outfits and swears like the worst sailor.

Her hair is blue and thick, with a purplish shade to it in some lighting so that it seems to constantly change shades. It reaches down to her knees in a wavy and yet smooth form, that many wish to run their fingers through at first sight, while it's cut shorter above her brows and above her ears, so that bangs fall free down there and frame her face in a charming way. She usually has her hair up in a high pony tail so that it wont disturb her when doing her daily routines, or when training. Above her right ear, secured in her hair, she usually has a blue rose. Her hair is Hasegawa's pride, and probably one of the few things some could call "girly" about her.

Hasegawa has a beautiful, pale skinned and smooth face with full, pink lips that are always ready with a comeback at anyone. Only her captain gets to see her most beautiful smiles that reveal a row of sparkling white teeth. While most others, and then mainly men, get a rather pinched look or a small smile in which lies a clear threat if they would dare get near her captain. Above her mouth is then her small, and petite nose which she usually wrinkles slightly when not amused.

Her big, clear blue almond shaped eyes seem to challenge anyone that wishes to look at her, but they are always ready to seem humble when around the captains or anyone else that should be paid the respect according to rank. The blue color often gets an unusually clear and sparkling color to it as the young looking shinigami watches in admiration at her beloved captain. As her hair, it sometimes seems that the sky-blue color in her eyes get a slightly darker, purplish shade to them when in a darker environment.

Her clothing consists almost always of the usual black shinigami outfit, but if she gets a day off she wears a yellow tank top and jean-shorts. On her feet she usually wears either white sneakers or light yellow sandals, and around her neck she has a black ribbon tied in a neat way.
Hasegawa's appearance:

Personality: Hasegawa would be described as somewhat of a man-hater, as she only has eyes for her female captain and never cares for being around anyone else... and then especially not males. She sees them as somewhat of competitors of her captain's attention, and as she often describes herself "They are just leechers that think with one thing, and that -thing- is in their pants.". Other females don't exactly get the same cold shoulder as the males, since Hasegawa does like other people's company. But if -anyone- be it female or male gets too close to her captain, then that person is considered an enemy. Whether it's from the experience of a soul piercing glare or a violent punch, then one can always know when Hasegawa has her anger set on them.

Whenever Kurayami Kirisame (the captain of division 2, and Hasegawa's captain) is around, Hasegawa literally shines and follows her around while ready to do anything for her. It seems though as if her captain is slightly ... dense about her lieutenants admiration, as she never gets why Hasegawa would get jealous or angry when others approach her. The captain looks at her lieutenant like a good friend, and someone that's really handy to use in doing the paperwork when the lazy side strikes.

Even if Hasegawa does her best to act professional, and does her job very well as the lieutenant of the 2nd division, then in truth she has a terrible temper and a violent side to go with that. If anyone does the mistake of making an innocent joke about her captain, or anything that has to do with her division, that person can be sure to have a chair flying in their direction not 15 seconds after that joke. Although the other squad members might sometimes complain about Hasegawa, after they have been retrieved from the hospital, then she always acts innocent and trusts that her captain will defend her against that "slander", which the dense captain of course does since she thinks Hasegawa is always as gentle and sweet around everybody like when she's around her.

Her sharp tongue can make anyone cringe and want to either shake her and tell her to try and act a little bit more according to her gender and petite looks, or then simply flee the scene. She has yet to encounter someone that can withstand her lashing out and actually be able to answer her back. There is a lot of inner conflict going on inside Hasegawa's mind, as she likes to think more to herself than always say what's on her mind. (This will be lots of thinking in the rp with lots of descriptive smileys.)

One of Hasegawa's habits might be described as very weird, but she likes to eat roses, or the petals of the flower. Yes... eat them. She likes working out, being somewhat energetic and to be able to watch her captain and be of her assistance.
Her dislikes are males, deep water and spicy food.



Speed: 70

Accuracy: 20

Stamina: 50

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Ranmyaku (Chaos)

Zanpakuto Looks: The Zanpakuto has a blue hilt that's decorated with silver. It's blade has a golden color to it, while the part that's used to cut with has the normal silvery look as other blades do. The Zanpakuto is slightly shorter than other Zanpakuto's, as it has the same appearance as a wakizashi. It's length is 55 cm (around 22 inches). The sheathe for the Zanpakuto is made of a black, rather hard material which makes it good to use in defensive moves. It's covered in silvery decorations, along with a blue ribbon that's tied around it.

Zanpakuto Description: It doesn't have any special powers when it's not released.

Released Zanpakuto Description: This blue fire which has appeared around the blade is not like normal fire, since it seeks to melt and destroy things that way, rather than burn them. This fire is also much more easier to manipulate into forms than normal fire would be. Hasegawa seems to be the only person that can touch the fire without getting harmed. The release costs her 4 speed points and 4 stamina points.

Shikai attacks:
1. Hyoukai-Kasai [Melting-Fire]
Description: The blue fire from the blade shoots itself at whatever the target is, and wraps itself around it and starts melting the object. The melting takes 4 posts to complete if the opponent hasn't managed to move away from the fire before that time. The fire starts in the first post it catches the opponent/object to singe them before in the next post the parts it touches start to slowly melt. This applies to weapons as well as living things if the fire would catch them. The attack can't of course work against higher ranked creatures than Hasegawa, but it can singe their skin/surface a little if they aren't too careful. The blue fire can melt through anything that's of a normal material, and it doesn't seem to be bothered by normal elements. But it will be affected by techniques and attacks that are of higher rank. This is an attack Hasegawa can use without any difficulties and doesn't require a charge up. This technique takes 2 stamina points at each use.

2. Hibashira [Pillar of Fire] Hasegawa grabs the chain at the end of her Zanpakuto and starts spinning the weapon above her head. The chain reaches it's full length of 3 meters, and after 3 seconds the fire has started spinning in big circles around her and whomever gets caught with her inside the middle of the spinning circles. The flames are too close together for anyone to get easily out, and the fire starts taking the form of a pillar that reaches 3 meters in each direction and 6 meters in the air. This is a very good trick to use when Hasegawa is fighting someone that is trying to escape. By trapping them inside of her fire-pillar like this, she can attack them as she pleases until they either get out from brute strength or someone higher ranked than Hasegawa from the outside will attack the fire and nullify it. This pillar of fire can last for 3 posts, and it takes 2 posts to charge up again. This technique takes 5 stamina points of Hasegawa for each use.

3. Tate! [Shield!] Hasegawa slashes into the air as if she's drawing a square, it takes her about 1 second to do so. Immediately as she slashes and says the name of the technique, the fire stays still in the air where the Zanpakuto has touched it, before it moves around Hasegawa in a whole square. The fire spreads over and under her, until she's closed in a protective box of flames. This box is about 2 meters high and reaches around 1 meter in each direction. The fire now acts like a shield against any attack as long as it isn't of a higher rank than Hasegawa is. Any attack that is pointed towards this shielding "box" of hers gets sent back at the attacker, but only at 20% power of the original attack. The shield can last 2 posts, and it takes 2 posts to charge up again. This technique uses 4 stamina points at each use.

4. Shukka [Outbreak of fire] If Hasegawa cuts into the ground, a building or anything that is solid, she can make her fire appear from out there as long as there hasn't too long time passed since she made the cuts. After 4 posts she can't use that technique anymore, unless then making new cuts first. The flames that come out from the cuts can reach the length of 1 and half meter in the air or to the sides, towards the enemy/enemies. Hasegawa has to stay in the range of 60 meters of the cuts so that the technique will work. This technique uses 2 stamina points at each use.

Zanpakuto Release Phrase: The release words are: Shoushitsu, Ranmyaku (Destruction by fire, Chaos)

Released Zanpakuto Looks: Her Zanpakuto blade turns black with blue decorations on it, while the front part of it turns into a pale blue color. The shape of it changes so it looks like a rather light sword that would be good to use in speed attacks. The blade also gets some sort of twisted forms to it, as it's tip seems to turn into a hook of some sort. There is a constant blue fire burning around the blade. The hilt seems to merge with the blade itself, turning black also. Now the Zanpakuto will get the proper length as a katana would have, as it gets 68 cm in length (or around 27 inches). At it's hilt is a short chain, in which Hasegawa can make longer if needed. It can reach the length of 3 meters.
Released Zanpakuto:

Zanpakuto Spirit: Hasegawa's Zanpakuto spirit has the appearance of a very handsome and tall man that reaches around 190 cm in height, and has a lean yet muscular body build. His light purple eyes have an intelligent glint to them, which often steps aside though for a more sadistic glint, while his tempting mouth always holds a mocking smirk to it. His straight nose and well shaped eyebrows only add to his unearthly beauty, while his skin is the color of white porcelain. His hair has the same light purplish color as his eyes, and just like Hasegawa's hair, it reaches down to his knees in thick strands. Long bangs fall down at each side of his handsome face and frame it in.

He's clothed in a traditional Japanese hakama and kimono with an indigo haori. This arrogant, yet painfully beautiful man, goes by the name Ranmyaku which means Chaos. And he carries that name with every right. When looking into his mocking eyes, it seems as if he can read into the very core of one's soul. And more often it seems like those eyes don't really like what they see, as they'd be able to make anyone feel they weren't anything more than a rug on the floor for him to wipe his feet on.

Ranmyaku does not have a high opinion of anyone except for himself, and it is very hard to work with him. And to be honest then it would be very optimistic thinking to expect one could encounter him and get away without either getting the spirit crushed, or the body bruised. It seems as if he thinks mostly about power, and it's not for sure if he means well or not... as he constantly seeks to test and tease his owner.

Hasegawa and Ranmyaku never get along well, as she is the man hater she is while he has his cruel humor. They seem to work alright together, but it happens that when she needs his help... he might decide not to be at her aid if they had had an argument before that fight or training session. Unlike other Zanpakuto spirits, Ranmyaku seeks to communicate rather often with his owner.. which gives the impression that he is really damn bored. The captain of 2nd division goes really on his nerves, as he hates how his owner worships her. And that is a good spark for almost every single argument they have with each other.

Ranmyaku's weakness would probably be his arrogance and his thirst for powers, but his strength is his determination in getting the strength he seeks.
His appearance:

Zanpakuto Realm: The world has no wind, no sound except for ones own footsteps when traveling through there. The blue lightnings from the sky are soundless, but offer a blinding spark if one isn't careful to look away from them in time. The midnight blue sky is mostly covered with heavy clouds that seem to know no end. The yellow acre seems to taunt ones sanity with it's ongoing length, and never changing shape.

Bankai Information

History and RP Sample


RP Sample:

Last edited by Hasegawa Tsubaki on Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hasegawa Tsubaki

Hasegawa Tsubaki

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Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant.   Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant. I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 7:05 pm

Application is done and ready for inspection. ^^
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Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant.   Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant. I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 7:47 pm

I've gone through and nothing negative pops out.

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PostSubject: Re: Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant.   Hasegawa Tsubaki, 2nd division's lieutenant. I_icon_minitime

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